Complaints Procedure

AlQhtani & Partners

The letter of engagement contains the name and status of the person whom you should approach in the event of any complaint with the service provided.

We hope your complaint is one which can be resolved informally and speedily by the file handler with whom you are dealing on a day to day basis but, if not, the complaint will be referred (or you may choose to refer it) to the Complaints Partner for AlQhtani & Partners who can be contacted via email at

Complaints, whether oral or written, made by clients in relation to the conduct of regulated activities of AlQhtani & Partners, are dealt with fairly, efficiently, and with due diligence and consideration. Your complaint will be recorded and you will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within two working days of our receiving it.

Upon notification of the complaint we will:

Our Complaints Partner will agree with the person about whom the complaint is made any immediate action needed to try to resolve the complaint and either speak to you direct or write to you with a suggested solution within ten working days.

Last Review Date:15/02/2024

Click here to download a PDF version of the Complaints Procedure