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Expansion Update

15 February 2024
Banner image small Riyadh

We are delighted to announce the arrival of new senior hires for our firm, in support of our investment commitment in the Kingdom and our 2024 growth plans.

Nouf AlQhtani has joined as our new Partner and General Manager. Nouf brings a wealth of experience, particularly for our dispute resolution and commercial offerings, and is a highly accomplished lawyer.  
As a result of Nouf's arrival, the name of our firm has now changed to AlQhtani & Partners (officially, Nouf AlQhtani Legal Consultants).  Aside of this name change, you will not notice any other changes.  Your existing engagements will continue seamlessly and you will continue to receive the same level of excellent service that you are accustomed to. You will shortly see this name change cascading to our business stationery, email addresses and online presence.
Bander Al Muatani has also joined as a Senior Associate. Bander brings a wealth of private practice and in-house experience, with a particular emphasis on Projects, Corporate, Mining, Energy, Compliance and Commercial matters. His appointment is a direct response to servicing client needs. 
Leopold Zentner, our Corporate Partner, continues to have oversight of our legal services practice. Leo has recently worked with many clients, particularly in relation to Corporate (M&A, Joint Ventures), financing and structuring matters.
We are sure you will join us in celebrating these bold and exciting developments and will extend a warm welcome to Nouf and Bander, whose appointments will strengthen our offering and our integrated approach to delivering the best services to our clients. 
We look forward to announcing further senior hires shortly in support of our ongoing investment and expansion plans.

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